Making a text mouse trail

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   In this tutorial I will teach you how to make a text mouse trail - A text that it will follow your pointer dynamically, with a great ripple effect on the length of the text. 


   This is not an original idea, I just made it work and "adapted it" to fit the newest browsers. I have no clue who was the one who did the original code, as I have it for a loooooooong long time, just sitting there and "rusting" away without purpose, until one day when I discovered it accidentally and made it my new project to bring it to life.


    As I said before, I have this code from....somewhere, saved in a ".txt" file back in the days, more precisely from 2001 or 2002; needles to say I never get it to work !  One day, while searching something on my computer, I stumbled upon this text file containing a strange code written in one paragraph and without any particular name - realized it's a javascript from the "<script>" snippet found inside from time to time - and figured it out what it is from the "makesnake()" naming of the main procedure. So, what I did it was to arrange it in an intelligible manner, and try to run it ! Of course, the success was....none !  But after a couple of re-arrangements, a lot of documentation and tries, I made it to work - but only in Internet Explorer because, as I found out later, it was written specially for "Netscape 4".


     The next step was putting it on a coding forum, and asking for help - which came, somehow - and, by the way, I like to thank and0rsk, felgall and coothead for pointing me in the right direction -  and so I was able to perfection it for most browsers.


    Ok...well...let's get cracking....


    At first, a little example:


Hover and move the mouse within this iFrame to see the mouse text in action !


    The code consists in 3 parts, one part that have to be written in the "<head>" section of the page, one in the "body" section, and one directly into the "<body>" tag.


    In the "<head>" section of the page, you will have the declarations and the functions needed for the trail to work:






var x,y;

var step=20;
var message="
Replace this with your own text and leave a space in the end ! ";
var thisspan='a';
var xpos=new Array();
for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) {
 xpos[i]=-50 }
var ypos=new Array();
for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++){
 ypos[i]=-50 }
function handlerMM(e){
 x = e.pageX;
 y = e.pageY;
function makesnake(){
 for (i=message.length-1;i>=1; i--) {
  ypos[i]=ypos[i-1] }
 for (i=0; i<message.length-1; i++) {
  thisspan = "span"+(i);
 var timer=setTimeout("makesnake()",30)







    The second part will go into the "<body> section of the page, and it will "tell" the browser what to do:






for (i=0;i<=message.length-1;i++) {
 document.write("<span id='span"+i+"' class='spanstyle'>")
 document.write("</span>") }
if (document.layers){
document.onmousemove = handlerMM







    And, finally, you need to trigger the creation of the trail - this will be done in the third part, when you will write directly in the "<body> tag:





<body onload="makesnake()'">





    Don't forget to replace the text with your own text you want to show !



  Congratulation making a mouse text trail ! If there is something you didn't understand or anything else, just leave a comment !